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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is The Admin Awards?
The Admin Awards is the first and only public recognition program in the country that recognizes the invaluable contributions of Administrative Professionals. Created by the proud daughter of a retired Executive Secretary, the Admin Awards was conceived in 2012 and today, winning an Admin Award is considered the Administrative Profession’s highest honor. Our five-star Awards Gala has become affectionately known as the ‘Academy Awards for Admins’. We are currently in 10 cities across the country as part of our ongoing national expansion. To learn more visit the About Us section of our website.

What can I expect at the Admin Awards ‘Good as Gold’ Gala?
Watch this VIDEO and check out THIS PAGE to get a feel for the Admin Awards experience. Admin Awards five-star dinner gala is often referred to as the ‘Academy Awards for Admins’, is an extraordinary celebration of the contributions of Administrative Professionals and is where the Finalists and nine Admin Awards winners are announced among an audience of 350-650 attendees. The Admin Awards gala includes a one-hour cocktail reception, an exceptional three-course meal, amazing music, extraordinary prizes valued at over $500 (and have been as high as $20,000!) as well as a special high-quality gift for EVERY attending Admin.

Guests also enjoy prizes for the best ‘Good as Gold’ themed outfit and best ‘Team Spirit’ as they come in full support of their Nominees as you’ll see demonstrated in this VIDEO and in the below pictures!

Do Nominees have to be present to win?
Yes, Nominees must be present to win and verify their attendance prior to advancement to the judging phase of the program. Very few exceptions are made which must be detailed in writing to the Admin Awards.

Do we have to attend the Awards Gala with our Nominee?
Yes. Not celebrating alongside your Nominee at the Admin Awards defeats the purpose of our public recognition program. The Admin Awards is a two-phase recognition program that begins with a Nomination and culminates into the Admin Awards ‘Good as Gold’ Gala experience. A significant factor in what makes the Admin Awards such a meaningful experience for Nominees is having the full support of their leaders and organizations. That’s why it’s critical that the Nominee’s organization supports them in their recognition journey by attending the Admin Awards alongside them. Additionally, Nominees will not advance in the program unless they will be present at the Awards Gala with few exceptions.

How much are tickets to the Admin Awards ‘Good as Gold’ Awards Gala?
There is a cost to attend the Admin Awards ‘Good as Gold’ Gala which varies from $285-$350 per ticket and varies by market as well as a variety of table sponsorship options that offer additional benefits to enhance your company’s experience. Click the Tickets button to learn more or email info@adminawards.com.

What are the award categories?
The Admin Awards offers nine distinct individual award categories in each market as well as the one award reserved for organizations that create an exceptional work environment for Administrative Professionals, the Founders Award. Learn about the Admin Award categories in the Award Categories section of your program city.

Who can be nominated?
Anyone can be nominated that serves in the Administrative Profession which is reflected by over 150 job titles. Learn more in the eligibility section.

Who can nominate?
Anyone can nominate that’s experienced the outstanding work of an Administrative Professional including Supervisors, Coworkers, Clients, Vendors etc. Administrative Professionals are welcome to nominate themselves, however that nomination must be followed up by a nomination from their Direct Supervisor in order for the Admin to advance to the judging phase of the competition. Learn more in the eligibility section.

How do I nominate?
Nominations are submitted on our website via the Nominate button or by clicking here. Once you register with our system, be sure you check your SPAM folder during the account verification process so you can access your account and begin nominating.

How do I ensure that my Nominee has a shot at advancing in the competition?
Read this blog article written by our Founder.

Is there a cost to nominate?
Thanks to the support of our program sponsors and unlike most award programs, there is no cost to nominate. In order for a Nominee to advance in the competition to Finalist or Winner status they must be present at the Admin Awards gala. We offer tickets and table options to meet any budget.

How are Nominees notified that they’ve been nominated for an Admin Award?
The minute a nomination is submitted, the Nominee is notified via email that they’ve been nominated for an Admin Award, in which award category and by whom. This alone is a very powerful moment for Nominees – when they learn in such a significant way that their impact and contributions have not gone unnoticed.

Can you nominate an administrative professional for more than one award?
Yes, nominations in multiple award categories are encouraged when applicable. Our judges also reserve the right to consider candidates in any of the nine Award categories, which creates the best possible outcome for each Candidate.

Are self-nominations allowed?
Yes, we do allow self-nominations to help initiate the process for an Administrative Professional, however please note that a follow up nomination from the nominees Direct Supervisor and/or coworkers will still be required in order for the Nominee to advance in the competition.

How are nominations judged?
All nominations are judged by an independent panel of judges which is comprised of both Administrative Professionals and Executives who serve alongside Colleen Barrett, the legendary Legal Secretary who rose to President & COO of Southwest Airlines during her five-decade career.

– Colleen Barrett judges her award category independently
– Neither the Admin Awards staff nor Advisory Board members or Sponsors participate in the judging process.
– Judges rely solely on written nominations when assigning scores that identify Finalists and Winners in the nine individual award categories.

What are the key dates and deadlines for the Admin Awards?
Key dates and deadlines vary by market. Please see your program city’s Program Dates section of our website.

If I am not a Nominee but am an Administrative Professional, can I still attend The Admin Awards?
YES!  While the Admin Awards is a competition, at its heart it’s a CELEBRATION of ALL Administrative Professionals. While the program yields approximately 55 Finalists between 150 – 350 Admins in total attend the dinner gala.

Do we have to sponsor to participate?
No, there is no sponsorship requirement and there is no link between sponsorship and who wins the Admin Awards as we maintain the highest integrity throughout the program. To inquire about sponsorship options email info@adminawards.com.

What do I wear?
Business or cocktail attire is recommended. As our theme is ‘Good as Gold’, gold themed attire is optional and can be interpreted however you wish. Many pictures will be taken before and during the awards dinner, and we also have the ‘Good as Gold’ best themed outfit contest so you’ll want to look your best! Companies often take team photos which will be available from our photographer after the awards dinner.
