Let’s Get Ready to Roundtable!
A Roundtable Discussion on the Centralized Administrative Model
(and the fear that it’s taking the profession back to the 70’s)
Friday, September 9th | 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM CT
To centralize or not to centralize the Administrative function? That is the question.
That’s the question a growing number of organizations across nearly every industry are contemplating as they explore options to improve efficiencies and rethink ways to better provide administrative support to organizations and their leaders. While there are organizations that have successfully made the leap to a centralized administrative model, there are others that have experienced tremendous growing pains and in hindsight, could have had a more effective rollout and with more buy-in from those affected.
Join us as we explore the Centralized Administrative Model with our Moderator, Joanne Linden, CEO of AdminUniverse and a diverse panel of participants whose opinions, perspectives and experiences will cover just about every angle and vantage point on Friday, September 9th.
Jennifer Boyd, Digital Technical Analyst, ExxonMobil, Houston
Joan Burge, Founder & CEO, Office Dynamics, Las Vegas
Erin Joslyn, Manager, Fidelity Institutional, Boston
Tammy Pimentel, Executive Assistant, McKinsey & Company, Boston
Katie Watts, Senior Executive Assistant, Fivetran, Denver
Here’s what we’ll cover:
- What is the Centralized Administrative Model today and how is it different from the ‘Secretarial Pool of the 70’s’?
- Why a Centralized Administrative Model doesn’t mean a ‘one size fits all approach’
- What are the key advantages and disadvantages of a Centralized Administrative Model?
- What are the critical success factors of an effective Centralized Administrative Model?
- What are the signs that a centralized model might work or the red flags that it won’t? Does a hybrid model make the most sense?
Event Details:
Friday Sept. 9, 11 AM CST – 12:15 PM CST
Via Zoom